© rocketclips/Dollar Photo Club
Many people still have prejudices when it comes to interracial relationships, and this is why there still are interracial couples who feel they need to keep their love hidden. This is an awful thing to feel and it can be very hard on a loving couple. On the long run, the need to hide your relationship can lead to its demise, because having to hide something beautiful ultimately takes the beauty away.
You have to understand there will always be people who don’t approve. So what? It is your life you’re living, not theirs. It is none of anyone’s business who you love and what choices in life you make. You are the only one who makes the decisions and as long as you’re not hurting anyone, you should be left alone to freely enjoy the love you’ve found. Unfortunately, theory and practice don’t often get along, and even though you are familiar with all these things, you still might have to defend yourself and your relationship from ignorant people.
The unpleasant feelings get another level when it’s the members of your own family who disapprove of your relationship. They should be the ones encouraging you and celebrating your happiness with you, but people tend to be self-centered and plain selfish. One of the hardest things in life is realizing your own flesh and blood is more than willing to stand in your way to happiness. They are sometimes ready to risk losing you just to make sure what THEY feel is appropriate is clearly stated.
It is very sad and discouraging when something like this happens, and you might feel the only way to survive it is to hide your relationship.
In spite of all those people who disapprove of your love, when you truly love someone, and you are happy with that person, you SHOULD go out in the open and show everyone how happy you are. Rub it in their faces, if necessary. They aren’t ashamed of the fact they’re trying to mess with your life, why should you be ashamed to show your happiness? If you’re happy, and you know it, then that’s all that matters.
Although the thought of losing family members or dear friends to a relationship might seem horrible, you need to remember one thing: people who really care about you won’t stand in your way to happiness, ever. Self-centered people who only care about what they think is appropriate aren’t the ones you should listen to. They don’t care if you’re happy or not, and they don’t even care about you, as you might think they do. If you were dating a convict, an alcoholic, or someone who hurts you, and your family wants to stand in your way – that’s completely understandable. But, if you’re with a loving, caring person and your friends terrorize your relationship just because this person is of another skin color, that’s plain selfishness and you are not obligated to live your life by other people’s personal ignorant opinions. Not now, not ever.
Bring your love out in the open. Enjoy every minute you spend with your beloved one, proclaim your feelings from the highest possible rooftops if you feel the need to. When you find love, and when you find a person who makes you happy, you have a lot to celebrate. Never hide your love because you fear what other people might think. At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter.