© auremar/Dollar Photo Club
Some of the statements interracial couples often face are downright ridiculous. You shouldn’t get upset over them, but no one can forbid you to make jokes about them, and laugh your hearts out at the closed-minded bunch of people who dare to make comments about something so private – like your relationship.
You’re so brave
Quite often, when you meet new people as a couple, some of them tend to admire your courage. They might think what they’re saying is a sign of approval, but most interracial couples’ first logical reaction says otherwise – they are simply ignorant. What exactly is brave about being with the one you like or love? Should they consider themselves brave for going on a walk with their partner? What else should they do? Hide away because they are different than most people?
I have to get me one of those!
Let’s say you’re a white woman dating an Indian guy, and you’re meeting up with a friend for a cup of coffee. You and your friend got there earlier, and your Indian boy shows up with flowers, kisses you and says, “Hello gorgeous!” You might hear your friend comment, “I have to get me an Indian guy!”
As if jerks didn’t come in all colors, and as if nice guys can’t be found among white people. You just have a great relationship and a loving partner, color and race have nothing to do with it.
Is the sex different?
The fact people have no problems asking this personal question is ridiculous on its own, but the fact people often think that people of a different race have magical sex powers, and somehow the act altogether gets completely different compared to sex with someone of the same race is completely senseless.
Aren’t the men of your own race good enough for you?
You will often get things like, “Do you think a white man couldn’t handle you, so you choose a black guy?” or, “Why couldn’t you find a nice Latina girl who would settle down and cook for you, why choose a Chinese girl?”
Does this mean only Latina girls can cook? Or does it mean white guys just can’t handle a white woman? Does this even make sense?
I had a boyfriend from another race once back in college…
The most common comment many interracial couples hear is this one. People often place interracial relationships right up there with gay and lesbian experimenting in college. Not that being gay is something wrong, but, come on, how could it even be similar to interracial dating? The fact they are telling this ‘kinky’ secret of theirs should make you feel supported, and make them look understanding. In fact, it is somewhat offensive and completely ignorant.
What will you tell your children?
The silliness of the question aside, when people ask this, and you two aren’t even thinking about reproducing yet, it can really get uncomfortable. Just because you are dating doesn’t mean you’re planning on having children together, and if you indeed are thinking about children, why would a third party ask about it? Would they ask the same thing if you were a couple of the same race? People don’t understand how rude this could be, and how inappropriate it is to get that deep into someone’s private business.